PHMSA proposes new hazardous liquids pipeline safety regulations

Under newly proposed hazardous liquid pipeline safety regulations, the US Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration would require pipelines to have leak-detection systems and timelines for inspecting affected segments following an extreme weather event or natural disaster, the US Department of Transportation agency said. Source: News

Witnesses cite pipeline safety progress, unfinished work

Significant progress has been made in making US oil and gas pipelines safer and reducing the number of accidental releases, government and industry witnesses agreed at a US Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation subcommittee hearing. But they also emphasized that more work needs to be done. Source: News

Three blocks awarded in Mexico's Round One second tender

Mexico’s National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) awarded three of five shallow-water blocks in its Round One second tender, a more successful auction than the first in July that received just 2 bids on 14 blocks (OGJ Online, July 16, 2015). Source: News

Watching Government: Why habitat partnerships matter

Habitat preservation partnerships (HPP) have become increasingly important. Environmental impacts don’t respect boundaries. Groups working to preserve potentially threatened or endangered species’ homes have grown beyond environmental organizations and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Source: News

Recruitment problem

WANTED: Talented engineer or geoscientist willing to work at the pleasure of a volatile commodities market in an industry whose legitimacy is questioned by world leaders including the US president and Roman Catholic pope. Source: News

Bamboo trees in the stream

Despite surviving a nearly 8-year-long career as a crude-oil price reporter for the petroleum industry before finding a home at Oil & Gas Journal, this editor rarely gave much thought to the language used to describe and distinguish-perhaps to our collective detriment-the various sectors of the oil and gas industry. Source: News

US House approves bill to repeal crude-oil export ban

The US House approved, by a 261-159 vote, a bill to repeal a 40-year ban on exporting domestically produced crude oil. Balloting ran largely along party lines as 235 Republicans supported HR 702 and 153 Democrats opposed it. The vote came days after the White House announced that the measure would be vetoed if it […]